Thursday, 14 December 2017

Each of Us

To think of every life that has passed
Every life that is passing
Timelines intertwined
Every pain, hope, astounding joy
And to think if you combined all of those feelings
Pooled them together
Each quivering orb
Would it not make the earth tremble
Against the vast blackness of the universe?

Yet motion allows stillness
And between each throb 
Is each of us
Holding our breath
Looking up beyond the stars

And in a flicker of light,
We’re gone.

Friday, 24 November 2017


An angel lay 
Bathed in cold moonlight
I breathed the warmth of my kisses
So it might permeate her skin 
And make it glow.

Her eyelids flickered
Like those stars 
Blinking faraway greetings of goodnight
And I know if they’d been open
They would fill my soul with light.

Oh soft rhythms guide my feet 
Soft rhythms lead me home
If each beat be a step
And your heart is mine
Then I will walk with you
Until the day I die.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Love Mist

I think i love you

But thoughts can be ignored,

Like a blurry cloud,

If i stare just right at the sky,

In your eyes,

It will disappear.

And I know I cannot kiss you.

I don’t dare shatter

The iridescent bubble of friendship

Ink stained with deceit

For then we’ll see things clearly

And walk our ways alone

For the mist no longer keeps us.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

I couldn’t meet up yesterday because I was disintegrating

I couldn’t meet up yesterday 
because I was disintegrating
like an orange peel
exchanging its soul with the earth
I laid there still
waiting for the ground
to drink me in.

God's voice

Once I was a sailor
Sailed to a faraway land
With salt in the air
And liquorice sand
I could hear God's voice there
In the whistling winds
And the waves that washed the shore
In the flutters of the leaves
And the echoes of birds' calls.
But most of all God spoke to me in the silence
In the gaps between
In the vastness before me
He filled every edge of the canvas
No matter how far I turned
So that my whole being was overwhelmed by sunlight.
And I smiled at each sparkle on the ocean's surface
Collected them like treasure to fill my heart
So that I never need look outside the walls of my being to see beauty
For from this moment I'll never part.

Monday, 14 August 2017

The days peel slowly

The days peel slowly
Like a grey plaster
And each day I feel rawer and rawer
Thrust into the light
When all I'd like is to hide.
I know I'll have to feel the pain eventually
But for now let me pretend that the wounds and the world don't exist.

Walk through the park

Everything is so still
Trees poised
Like the set of a play
And we humans are the actors
Immersing ourselves in a fantasy scape

Layer upon layer of feathered green
The leaves stretching out to reach us
The white sky shimmering as those paper cut branches sail by
Against the serene sea of my mind.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Morning Commute

The sky looks like my sheets
When I peered through them blurrily this morning
Or like an ocean of white
Tides paused in motion.
I felt the rumble of a storm on the horizon
Sea air sweeping my face,
Before I boarded my train.

the discomfort of comfort eating

these cheeks 
like saddles on both sides of an ass-like face
they weigh on me where i go
its fine
I’m not charlotte right now
I’m fat charlotte
this is what fat charlotte would do
yeah stuff another ice cream in between those ass-cheeks 
my willpower drained away long ago
replaced by lazing oozing lipids
dripping down my veins
spread out beneath the lines of my skin
with a smug smile 
hateful dimples to match
sneering from the sides of my thighs
splaying out and watching gleefully
sugary sin pass through my lips
cherry a-top a soft roll
so long old friend: self-control

Monday, 17 July 2017

disarmed by lack of charm

Your awkwardness is disarming
You take my cloak of self-assuredness
And drop it
on the floor. 

bite me

Theres nothing better than talking without words
your gaze caught me like a fly in a web
and every time i wanted to crawl back 
to be again entangled by those magnetic spindles. 
if from my image you could be fed
I'd put myself on the bullseye
ready to be predated by those pupils, black
give me your tongue too
I'll quench your thirst
now lets wait and see
who will bite who first.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Spines Intertwined

Spines intertwined
I gasp as your velour brushes mine
Two humans in gods intended form
My ear with your kisses adorned.


we howled like feral children
and the constructs of society
with our voices
were swept away with the wind.
in that moment we lost an element of civility 
because civilisation is what keeps us all looking through the same window
forgetting to try and see
what might be on the other side.
That’s what that place did to us
that dark surface of the moon
overlooking immeasurable sparks and glimmers
mankind’s ominous mark
reminding us we’d have to return to 
turning the wheels of the world
but for now
this place was ours
it enveloped us in its soft darkness
the scent of the earth’s hair 
we nuzzled it with inquisitive minds.
as we walked through the entrails of this place,
we realised we had been here all along.

The imagined life

sometimes id rather imagine life than live it
like watching it through a screen
the lights seem less harsh
looking through frosted glass
its too stimulating, too exciting to actually live
instead let those images dance before my eyes 
let my mind manipulate the flow of reality
the path of unknown 
unpredictable as english weather
id rather not leave the house then
because what if i needed a jacket when i thought I didn’t
what a calamity
no no
better not risk it
in the reality show
reflected against the screen of my mind
it can always be sunny if i want
even if i miss those warm rays stroking my neck
at least I’ll always be sheltered from the storms
no no
better not risk it
ill stay right here watching my shows


do you see how i fill the room with noise
it smothers the buzz that is always there

trailing around my forehead
hiding beneath the line of my hair
stinging my scalp

ruthlessly piercing holes
so drop by drop bits of me fall out.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

the Force of Love

it tingles in my cheeks
creased eyes
like a forcefield you pull my gaze
curled lips
crumpled nose
i have to look away
and when i look back there they are
two eclipsed moons
earnestly shining against the dank world
how fitting
that you orbit around the globe of my mind
from the golden dawn
until colour drains
by and by you float on my ocean
the ocean which never obeys
as every time you come near
the water plays havoc
spins me round and round
when you’re near
each cell presses against the edge of my skin
pull me closer
let me bathe in the light you bring.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

I collect each word you say and keep them in a jar

Those words you mindlessly said
Play over and over in my head
I fervently cling to them
Use them to cushion my weary head
Build a play fort which against the cotton walls
Projects images of you
In my mind I dance with your shadows
Convince myself that your smile was painted just for me
But when the projections tremble and fade
I am alone
Those words you mindlessly said
Sprinkled them into the air without a care
You would never imagine that I would collect them like petals to keep in a jar
Until they turn brown and rot
So you would not recognise them if I showed you again.

Spring is here

Spring is here
A pink mist flutters above the trees
Earth takes in her long awaited breath
As the flowing brooks tumble softly down her back
The petal strewn winds dance freely
The crystal voices of our feathered sopranos
twinkle beneath the sky
Daffodils bow their crowned heads
Spring is here
I smile
And with Earth breathe in
My heart dancing with the breeze
Ready to sing the first song of spring

Friday, 6 January 2017

Frozen in his image

He never had a way with words
Couldn't warm people's hearths with a wry smile and flick of the tongue
He in fact often had an awkwardness that made my skin crawl
That's because I could feel those little militant bugs laying down the scales of my sleepwalking self
Those insects that always arrive to carry out this ritual as the days shed away like skin
And the solid demeanour I practice begins to thaw
I hated him because in him I saw my zombified self and it made me shudder
Surely by some law of environmental forces it is he who made me this way
The anger and pain that I hold inside a little jar
Which I do not even feel deserving to say I keep
As surely they will accuse me of never having tasted the bitter jam of grief
But maybe I'm wrong
And nobody actually cares like they never do
When you feel eyes on you like an awful itch
But you look to find that people's glares are in fact attached to the air and not you.
But I've gone on a tangent haven't I
As I always do
I was saying that I hated him
But then I don't
My principles tell me I don't
Because my principles tell me that I hate no-one
Even though I sometimes hate myself
To be honest I'm rather tired
I often get tired like this
Maybe that's why I stay indoors so my slumber coffin is never too far away
But I do give an offering to the gods everyday
An offering of brilliant light and warmth that makes the coldest fingers feel like they never parted from the suns embrace
A glimmer that twinkles a thousand times in the turquoise galaxy of the sea
Of which studs onto your heart to feel a twang of serene contentment even when you've come back from that dreamlike scape
This gem I offer to those gods
In return for the guarantee that I can feel so very still
That no ripple be born of the earth as to force me to move one toe
That my face will be porcelain that doesn't crease
But even so the edges of the eyes trickle down and down like stagnant sap as the days drip like blood from a nose
Blood from a nose
And grey toes
Closed blinds
And peeking into the light
Hangover caused by the alcohol of insomnia
Staying in the drowsy drunken state
Staying in.

He's sick

He's sick
And I'm a selfish bitch
For thinking my time is my own
But pray argue with the thing that demands I give it all my minutes
That I must confine to my room to carry out its bidding
Of thinking thoughts that go around and around
But what an excuse
To deem an invisible creature
The perpetrator of your squalid ways
Surely you can just blink and it will go away
Or some wishing or willing will do
How dare you even imply that it is a being that need be argued with
How dare you
Poor insignificant child
But surely whilst you were in your coop
Thinking of how you could do great things with your many tomorrows
Could you not also think how he might not be here.