Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Spines Intertwined

Spines intertwined
I gasp as your velour brushes mine
Two humans in gods intended form
My ear with your kisses adorned.


we howled like feral children
and the constructs of society
with our voices
were swept away with the wind.
in that moment we lost an element of civility 
because civilisation is what keeps us all looking through the same window
forgetting to try and see
what might be on the other side.
That’s what that place did to us
that dark surface of the moon
overlooking immeasurable sparks and glimmers
mankind’s ominous mark
reminding us we’d have to return to 
turning the wheels of the world
but for now
this place was ours
it enveloped us in its soft darkness
the scent of the earth’s hair 
we nuzzled it with inquisitive minds.
as we walked through the entrails of this place,
we realised we had been here all along.

The imagined life

sometimes id rather imagine life than live it
like watching it through a screen
the lights seem less harsh
looking through frosted glass
its too stimulating, too exciting to actually live
instead let those images dance before my eyes 
let my mind manipulate the flow of reality
the path of unknown 
unpredictable as english weather
id rather not leave the house then
because what if i needed a jacket when i thought I didn’t
what a calamity
no no
better not risk it
in the reality show
reflected against the screen of my mind
it can always be sunny if i want
even if i miss those warm rays stroking my neck
at least I’ll always be sheltered from the storms
no no
better not risk it
ill stay right here watching my shows


do you see how i fill the room with noise
it smothers the buzz that is always there

trailing around my forehead
hiding beneath the line of my hair
stinging my scalp

ruthlessly piercing holes
so drop by drop bits of me fall out.