Monday, 14 August 2017

The days peel slowly

The days peel slowly
Like a grey plaster
And each day I feel rawer and rawer
Thrust into the light
When all I'd like is to hide.
I know I'll have to feel the pain eventually
But for now let me pretend that the wounds and the world don't exist.

Walk through the park

Everything is so still
Trees poised
Like the set of a play
And we humans are the actors
Immersing ourselves in a fantasy scape

Layer upon layer of feathered green
The leaves stretching out to reach us
The white sky shimmering as those paper cut branches sail by
Against the serene sea of my mind.

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Morning Commute

The sky looks like my sheets
When I peered through them blurrily this morning
Or like an ocean of white
Tides paused in motion.
I felt the rumble of a storm on the horizon
Sea air sweeping my face,
Before I boarded my train.

the discomfort of comfort eating

these cheeks 
like saddles on both sides of an ass-like face
they weigh on me where i go
its fine
I’m not charlotte right now
I’m fat charlotte
this is what fat charlotte would do
yeah stuff another ice cream in between those ass-cheeks 
my willpower drained away long ago
replaced by lazing oozing lipids
dripping down my veins
spread out beneath the lines of my skin
with a smug smile 
hateful dimples to match
sneering from the sides of my thighs
splaying out and watching gleefully
sugary sin pass through my lips
cherry a-top a soft roll
so long old friend: self-control